Monday, August 6, 2007

Let me see! Let me see!

Okay, all my flameheads out there. Yesterday, I almost missed a debate. I usually try to stay on top of these things, but this one slipped my mind. It could have possibly had something to do with the crazy things that had just gone on during the week. Oh well, I almost missed it, but I am glad I didn't. Yesterday morning ABC's Republican debate led to some astounding actions taken by ABC and their writers. Some know that I am a supporter of Ron Paul. I watch carefully how the other candidates respond to him. Usually Rudy Giuliani is the guy who likes to take stabs at Dr. Paul, but yesterday Romney got the tag from Giuliani and stepped up to try. Giuliani obviously has backed down from trying to attack Dr. Paul's stance on certain issues since being assigned some reading on foreign policy by Dr. Paul. No, no, no... Yesterday, it was Romney's shot to knock over the steadfast Paul.
The bout started with Dr. Paul being asked what he would do about Iraq if he was elected President. Ron Paul, without thinking, said that he would bring the troops home immediately. He started to state how we were there illegally and that we shouldn't have even went there in the first place. "They never did anything to us," Paul said. Romney almost chuckling by now turned to Giuliani and asked, "Has he forgotten about September 11th?" No, Mitt. It is you who never understood September 11th in the first place. Many of the hijackers of 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. Not one hijacker was from Iraq. The group that these hijackers were affiliated with (al Qaeda) was not allowed in Iraq. Saddam Hussein despised them. Why did we attack Iraq, Mitt? Oh, that's right... those pesky weapons of mass destruction. Where'd those go, Mitt? What about those mobile weapons factories? Where'd those go, Mitt? What about those parts to make a nuclear weapon? What happened to those, Mitt? If you are elected President, I challenge you to find that stuff. As for Dr. Paul, he knows the real reason we attacked Iraq for and that is oil and the fact that Hussein tried to kill Bush's daddy.
Ron Paul voted to attack Afghanistan. Since we were there with a goal and real evidence to back up that goal. Hunt down Osama bin Laden. We did hunt down Osama and cornered him in the mountains on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border, but were told to let him go by our own government. Why is that, Mitt? Why did we let Osama go? Maybe it's because the bin Ladens and the Bushes are friends. Osama and little George are practically pen pals.
Hey, Mitt! What about the country's financial problems? What do you plan to do about the privately owned foreign Federal Reserve? They make a bundle in profits off the people of America every year. Here's the real shocker, Mitt. They publish their profits for the world to see. It's called the National Debt. That is the amount that the US Government has had to borrow from the private cartel (aka the Federal Reserve) with interest!
After the little snicker and remark from Romney at the debate, I went to vote on the ABCNews website for who I think won the debate. I found that Ron Paul had 56% of the vote out of nine candidates and two other options (I am voting democrat, and I am waiting until Fred Thompson or Newt Gingrich enters). Dr. Paul had over 1,200 votes while Mitt had 80 something and Giuliani had about as much. After one full day of voting, Ron Paul currently has 34,209 out of 53,735 total. Romney has 4,264 and Giuliani 3,100. This afternoon, I see that an ABC writer had written an article on their website declaring Mitt Romney the winner of the debate by the poll on their website. What?!? How can Romney be the winner with 8% of the votes and Dr. Paul not with 64%? ABC needs to stop playing to their bias views and report the news truthfully and not as they see it. Come on, ABC, declare the true winner of YOUR poll! Let me see it! Ron Paul 2008!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

A President of Principles.

Today I started to think back to a time when America was still finding itself. I thought back to the early nineteenth century... more specifically 1829. Andrew Jackson had taken office on his reputation as the hero who had won at New Orleans in 1815. Jackson had one goal above all others as he took his place as President. He wanted to dismantle the Bank of the United States (BUS). Even though this was his primary goal, I had really never learned about it in grade school. I got to thinking about how he vetoed the re-charter of the Bank of the United States and then had to fire two Secretaries of the Treasury to get someone to pull funds from the corrupt bank. This caused the president of the BUS to deliberately cause a depression. He blamed the misfortunes of Americans on Jackson withdrawing funds from the bank. Even though Jackson's campaign slogan was "Jackson and No Bank," the population rose against Jackson and Congress then censured him. Jackson, not faulting American citizens for their ignorance, lashed out at the BUS. As luck would have it he successfully overcame the censure and did not renew the BUS's charter. He was later asked what his greatest accomplishment was during his presidency. Jackson replied, "I killed the bank."
So, here I am thinking about this today... about how Andrew Jackson despised the international money-lenders and national banks. He was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans and he held that very high. As President, he felt as if he had successfully won a second battle. This battle was much more secret and much larger than most at the time knew. The outcome of this battle would decide if America would be a successful, free Republic or a corrupt plutocracy. In his mind, he won the second biggest war in American history (the Revolutionary War being the first). He "killed the bank."
I looked down at a twenty dollar bill today and a sadness hit me like a ton of bricks. Even though he "killed the bank," America was still plunged into a corrupt plutocracy... now, called by the elites, a democracy. This nation has had a national bank instated for nearly one hundred years now. This is exactly what Jackson fought against. As I studied the portrait on the twenty dollar bill this afternoon, I thought back to all that Jackson had to endure as President. Being slammed by the people that he was trying to save, being censured by Congress on false assumptions, and having an attempt on his life by a hit man working for the international money-lenders are just a few of the struggles. Now when it is all said and done... one hundred and seventy one years after Jackson "killed the bank," the bank lives again. It now prints Jackson's face on one of it's notes. I gazed at it and saw, "No, Jackson, we killed you. And we have your head to prove it."
I know that this seems a bit weird, but it came to me like a strike of lightning starting a fire. I felt enraged. I got to thinking more and more about it. Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, JFK, Thomas Jefferson... they have all appeared on Federal Reserve Notes. They were all against the idea of a privately owned, national bank. Why were they selected for the notes? They would have mounted another war against the bank by now if they were to be alive today.
This stuff has really been bothering me for the majority of the day. Our country is on the edge of something big and I feel as if no one can see it but me and a few select others. Everyone that I talk to about the great swindle that has been and is currently being perpetrated on the American people just shrugs it off saying something to the effect of, "oh well..." Wake up, fellow Americans! The FED is illegal. It's owners run the major governments of the world and finance wars to make their money. It is so obvious to me now. Educate yourself. Get involved in politics. The FED did not want you involved in politics up until the electronic voting machine era. That is because they control the code that the machines run on. Everyone is conditioned to sit at home and watch what is fed to them through a box with pretty moving graphics and biased content. The mainstream media is owned by the FED. They took over the media with a stroke of a pen and the strike of a key on a computer. A lot of what I have to say may sound crazy because it contradicts everything that you have been taught. This is the conditioning at work. Research for yourself and then meet me on the front lines....
If anyone ever asks me who my favorite president was, I will quickly reply, "Old Hickory." If I am asked why, I will say, "because he killed the bank!" Thank you.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Concerning Mrs. Amero...

Every once in a while there will be a trial verdict read that makes no sense. You had that with Roe vs. Wade, where it made it legal to murder unborn babies. There are all these technicalities when it comes to court proceedings. Some of them help the criminals get off the hook. It sickens me when that happens. This story is a bit behind, but it brings me to my main subject. That is the case against Mrs. Julie Amero, the substitute teacher accused, convicted, and about to be sentenced for displaying porn for all the kiddies in the middle school class to see. The court proceedings that she was involved in were more of a circus than the Anna Nicole Smith dispute. First of all, she did the right thing by alerting the principal of what had happened. Then, he remembered that he hadn't payed the bill for the security software that blocks these sort of problems. So he pays the bill after the lapse in protection. Then he testifies against the substitute teacher saying something to the effect of, "we have had no other problems before or after this incident." I wonder why. The school system that Mrs. Amero worked for just hung her out to dry to cover their own tracks. The judge didn't let any computer experts in to speak on behalf of the defendant either. If you ask me, it looks like the prosecutor, the judge, and the entire school board are big buddies and were helping each other get out of this mess. This is a mockery of what the justice system is actually for. Someone should be held responsible. It was the principal of the schools fault for forgetting to pay the renewal fee to keep the security software up-to-date. He should be relieved of his position. The substitute had only gone to and some of the kids to a hair fashion website a few minutes before this happened. As the substitute began to proceed teaching, the popups started occurring on their own. She tried closing the windows individually, but they opened as fast as she could close them. One juror said that she could have unplugged the computer or thrown her coat over the monitor. Mrs. Amero was under strict orders to not turn off the computer and was always told that not shutting a computer down the right way could damage it. "Throw your coat over the [CRT] monitor," you say? This would have been a fire hazard and could have been quite dangerous depending on the material of the coat. The logical thing that she should have done was to simply switch the monitor off. However, even my mother asks me if it's okay to switch the monitor off while the computer is running. Someone who isn't familiar with computers may think that hitting any "off" switch could mess something up if the computer has not been properly shut down. This prosecutor is making it seem like this substitute teacher knowingly went to these pornographic websites in front of the class. Imagine doing that from across the room without even touching the computer. This is a travesty and will go down as one of the stupidest mistakes in the history of our so-called justice system. Story link below: